Tuesday, July 2, 2013

PC vs Console: Where lies the future of gaming?

It’s undeniable – The future of console gaming is looking promising. The constant increase in the exchange rate makes maintaining and upgrading of a PC less obtainable. To be more specific, costs are rising and there is no end in sight. The launch of Microsoft’s Xbox One and Sony’s PS4 are going to offer specs in gaming that is usually reserved for PC gamers. Or that’s what they say. So let me delve into the logic here and give my input as to what the experts and developers are saying.
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But first let me give you a little price comparison on PC vs Xbox One vs PS4. My latest PC’s graphics card is considered a mid range card, but with very good capabilities. It cost me what I could expect to pay for a new PS4 or Xbox One, which should be around R5,5k – R7k depending on exchange rate at the time of release to South Africa. However, when you upgrade your PC graphics card, you don’t buy something mid to high range without upgrading other components as well, such as your CPU, GPU, RAM and motherboard. Then you have your gaming peripherals, a mouse, keyboard headset etc. Even at mid range these peripherals could set you back at least R2k. Yet the constant demand of PC gaming ends up limiting the lifespan of your components, whereas a console places no such demand on your pocket. Yes I know that console games are more expensive, but if you do the math, the cost does actually outweigh the benefits of PC gaming. At least in my opinion it does, and I am a PC gamer first, and console gamer second.

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